QLD Roundabout Rules Refresher

By No
Road Rules


It is fair to say that we get lots of questions about roundabouts. Queensland Transport and Main Roads have a great run through of how to safely navigate any roundabout. (See Below)

Keeping it Simple !

If the lanes approaching the roundabout are marked with arrows, make sure you follow their direction. 

Turning Left at a roundabout

If you're planning to turn left: Approach the roundabout in the left lane or line of traffic. Signal left as you approach the roundabout. Continue to signal left as you exit the roundabout. Turn your indicator off after you've exited. 

Passing straight through a roundabout

If you want to drive straight ahead on a roundabout: You can approach without signalling. But make sure you signal left as you exit if it's practical to do so. Turn your indicator off after you've exited.

Turning right at a roundabout

To make a right turn: Approach the roundabout in the right lane or line of traffic. Signal right as you approach the roundabout. Continue to signal right until you are ready to exit. Signal left before you exit the roundabout if it's practical to do so. Turn your indicator off after you've exited. 

Need help?

You can always ask your driving instructor for additional practice to build your confidence. Book Now and safely navigate your next roundabout!

Source: www.qld.gov.au/about/newsroom/roundabout-rules

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